Ogbonna 28th November 2016

It was in the early hours on the 10th day of October 2016, the darkest morning of our lives. A week before daddy passed on I watched daddy gasp for his next breath. So the sound of your labored breathing gradually subsided a week later. Daddy you are our legend, a perfect gentleman and a disciplinarian. It feels like yesterday back in the days when you shared your meal on the dinner table with us, ensured we had the best of education, ensured we understood what was bad and good behaviors. Can still feel your presence when you wake me up from bed to get ready for school; you lashed out when went off the track of good morals. All your efforts shaped me to be the man I have become today. When i married my wife Nena, you were so supportive and loved her like your own. You counselled us about the institution - marriage. The words of advise you offered us 8 years ago still helps groom our marriage till date. The kids have fond memories of you visiting Umuahia and were pretty sad when we informed them that you are no more. They still pray for 'grandpa' every night during their night prayers. I have a strong believe that where ever you are now, you will be celebrating with angels and you will continue to watch over us from heaven. Dad, its about time I continue from where you stopped and ensure your legacy breathes on. We love you Dad, may your gentle soul rest in peace.. Much love, Ogbonna, Nena, Tochi, Alexa and Kambi Kalu-Nsi